Well, the 2024 season is off to an interesting start to say the least! After having an unseasonably warm winter, we've had a cooler start to Spring. This has slowed the plants down, that at one point were about 2 weeks ahead of last year, but are now on about the same schedule as last year. So let's get into it and see what we've got popping up!
- I absolutely love hellebores, which are one of the first blooming flowers in the gardens and they love shade. They are back again this year, but not looking as great as they have in year's past. I think this is because I have them planted in a high traffic area for the dogs and they LOVE to run back and forth over them. So unfortunately, some of these perennials didn't even come back this year. I've decided that I will move them to the side of the house, which the dogs don't have access too! I will interplant them with some hostas and another shade loving perennial, astrantia. I'm excited to develop this area and maximize the plants and flowers I have growing there.
Every year I increase the number of tulips we plant and this season, we've got 3000+ busting through. And fun fact, I've already ordered 4000+ bulbs for next season! Getting beautiful, speciality, sought after tulip bulbs is a very competitive business and you need to get in there early and act fast! The tulips we've got are not ones that you will find just anywhere. These are unique and super special varieties that can look like peonies, have fringed and frilled edges, are bi-coloured etc. They really are special and I can't wait to share them with you! Many will be used in our May and June flower subscriptions and for Mother's Day. Stay tuned for Mother's Day pre-orders to go live on April 22nd!
- The ranunculus are well on the way and I'm on serious bud watch these days, checking multiple times a day! I have some planted in pots and there's a bud on one of them, so the ones in the raised beds shouldn't be too far behind. There were 5 large pots of ranunculus in the greenhouse, which we moved outside yesterday. As the temperatures are getting warmer this week, they needed to get outside so we can keep them cool. Ranunculus like and need cool temps (under 14-15 Celsius) to thrive and will die off once temperatures are consistently over 16 Celsius. It's such a fine balance of giving these plants what they need and the ever-changing weather. Needless to say, they will be here before we know it and I am super pumped! Most of these will be used in our Mother's Day offerings and our May and June subscriptions. These beauties really are remarkable with so many beautiful and delicate layers and a vase life upwards of 14 days!
- Perennials are the true workhorse of our gardens, coming back every year, providing us with beautiful blooms, foliage and interest. So many of our perennials are looking great and are well on their way! Some of our early blooming perennials include hellebores, coral bells, feverfew, yarrow, mountain mint, astrantia, meadow rue, roses and some highly coveted peonies. Though not perennial, we also have some lovely persian cress sprouting in the greenhouse. These beauties will be used in our May and June subscriptions and for Mother's Day, if we are lucky!
Flower Availability
- May and June subscriptions are LIVE! Please head over to the subscription section to join! Each subscription includes 4 beautiful, hand tied bouquets made with the freshest flowers the gardens have to offer. They are available for free local pickup in south Mississauga or for delivery in Mississauga or Oakville for an additional fee.
- We are working hard behind the scenes on our Mother's Day offerings and can't wait to share them with you on April 22nd! I've learned my lesson the past 2 seasons and will have lots and lots of local flowers available, including for the many last-minuters lol
- Though not yet flowers, we will have dahlia cuttings, tubers and annual seedlings available for sale starting April 15th. Since this is the first time we've had a sale, we won't be offering shipping, but rather local pickup from the gardens, the weekend of May 4th and 5th. Stay tuned for more details!
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the updates! There is so much to look forward to and I'm so happy to have you along for the ride to share the in the journey!
Love your friendly neighbourhood flower farmer,
Laura aka Flaura xo